Phoenix like did it rise, From its own ashes, it had disappeared into, The ruins of the past,a void so dark, That even the seven hued beauty of the bows of the rain, Did all seem to fade in it. Yet did it rise, so magnificent and erect, as if to regain its splendor back, And cherish that one little word, That this world doth all move holds, Sweeter than even the bliss itself, "HOPE"- the light of a glorious dawn.
Lone rider perched on thy hilltop Protector of the land you call your own Hero of justice, Wielder of might Your mystery to be told is a treasure to behold
Riding on thy noble steed Breed from the strongest of beasts Mighty wild uncontrollable, untamed Faithful only to your reign
Legend speaks of you ,the mightiest of men Roaming the fields with thy speed unmatched In pursuit of evil to slay, innocence to save Rewarded with nothing but fear and reverence with thou is lashed
Where thou comes from no one knows Beyond the mist -mysteriously appear With a sword as sharp as your mind leaving nothing but dust at your hind
Shadow of death for those preying on the weak Messiah for those you save from a ghastly fate Thou words echo in every valley EVIL DOERS BEWARE!
They say your sword is as mighty as thy word But no one sees it and lives to tell the tale A mystery only legend speaks of Slayed an entire army with mighty gail
Oh lone rider! So fine thy mystery to behold! No doubt your story will be told about thy wisdom and thy sword and the noble steed whose reins you hold