Well hearing that this famous novelist will be in the city on 16th of Jan and I can see him by getting free passes what could one ask for this adventurous life getting boring with every passing day. So like a perfect strategist i started contemplating what to do in order to get the permission(effect of Mr. perfectionist's movie i recently saw hehehehehe). Then i somehow in this excitement went and i asked mum for the permission and well she says "Who is Chetan Bhagat?" I was flabbergasted with her because of all that controversy thing almost everyday being published in the newspapers she is still asking me not to mention the fact that she watched the movie with us!! Well somehow i managed to badger her enough to get the permission on one condition of going with my cousin sis since my too nice bro declined the offer. Well he had his calling too you know and he was told by his school teacher that he is among those few selected people who are getting free passes. Seeing that he wanted to attend his coaching and don't want to miss the show I arranged for some passes for his friends too with the help of my friend Aditi's sis who had many of them with her.
The day i long awaited for arrived and I and Aditi went shopping and went to respective homes. At 4:50P.M We left my place and were there by 5:05 P.M and the gates were closed. Imagine our fury at having the passes for entry but not being led in because the auditorium was full and mismanagement by the organizers. Aditi was lucky enough to be inside and she was angry that i couldnt make it because i was late. Anyways the whole group stood on the pavement and was having fun and chatting while we all knew that under that funny and chatty demeanour everyone was disappointed.Finally the gates opened and everyone pushed their way in but the doors inside were bolted so the crowds anticipation and desperation grew and people started creating all the havoc they could and the organizers came out and yelled at the crowd for being late not their problem blah blah blah. Anyone who tried to raise their point was immediately shut off like a bloodthirsty king rampaging not listening to the reason. It was bad enough for all f us standing outside in the effing cold with the lowest temperature of the week and despite of wearing heavy and warm clothing everyone was shivering. Finally the two guys i got passes for, left and our small group stood waiting for God knows what. Fortunately for us when the crowd thinned we were led in twos and fours and we got inside to the balcony of the auditorium and finally managed to see what was left of 2 hr show. The guy proved to be witty and good and I am still waiting for his next novel. I wish i could get his autograph but all that standing in the cold for one and a half hour was enough to bring one's morale down not to mention the fact being hungry and missing the tea time snacks.
Next day i woke with a swelled hand and and swelled toes all because of that standing in the cold thing. I mean what else could go wrong after that depressing stuff. Anyways i had another adventure of my life and i am still unhappy about it and will never be able to put it behind.