Now i have got two jobs to handle. I go to college and teach spoken English to B.Ed. girls and in the evening i have my office to go to. Its very difficult and tiresome to manage both. I asked another friend to join me so that I could get some help and she could get the experience. I will be leaving both the jobs by 31 October hopefully.
By now i have met my fiance twice and that too in the space of a month or two. Now he will visit me in October. It will be two months since we last met. I feel sad that we dont meet that often as we are supposed to. People say that the time before marriage is a golden period. But due to some conservative thinking it is not a golden period for me. Its just a passing phase of love for a person you are bound to spend your life with and an exception of not going out with him that often. Just thinking that we wont be there on each others birthdays next month brings such an indefinable pain in the chest that its difficult to bear it. I have been contemplating it whole day. It will be difficult to travel in November and December due to fog. So October is the only month we will get to meet after which we'll get married in Jan straight away.
If this is how i am meant to enjoy and cherish the important moments of special days spent with my fiance then I am fine with it. But being separated for longer period of time with another person I love (first one is Aditi) is taking my all my wits to be reasonable. I am trying to keep heart and be a sport. But the pain would come just by thinking that we wont meet till Jan. I wont be there with him on his special day. Mine is already a tabooed day full of some or the other complication. I wish i could be there with him to spend some time with him on his special day. To make his day special, to give him an excuse of sticking that smile on his face for next 3 months till we meet again.