"I want to pway tompuuuter!!" That's what i get when i am too good with my eldest nephew -___-* I know kiddies are cute and i have a knack to handle them but still there's a limit to it all. The tragedy doesn't end here you know.. If you have a nephew in an Eight floor building then you have to find playmates for him too or else you are the bad aunt in front of him when you are tired and say no to end his nagging, then you are definitely a loser in front of him. The worst possible thing is the kid has got a taste for cards. He saw the elders playing cards and now he wants to play. I tried teaching him Uno and i kind of made him stop yelling for cards but that was temperory diversion. He yells " I want to play Blind, pack and show" -_______-|| This show of love for cards makes me think of the new generation that will witness this stuff and what they will say?? Probably " I have money and i wanna play even if i have to borrow it from mum" O_O may be..who can predict??
The kid was all worked up for my b'day party lunch and ordered (Yes he did order) my mum to cook macaroni, pizza and mini-burgers. My mum is fast one and she told him if you are coming here then you are gonna eat whatever i cook. That silenced him. We had chhola bhaturas though one of his fav. I thought the day will never end but the fresh demand to get kulfis for elders riled the little tyke. He went with me and in that grocery store he demanded to buy the new Ben10 Toy worth 170 bucks and i had only 100 on me. -_______-|| He was seriously pissing me with his demand and the sales lady was having a good time out of it. Thankfully he wanted to pee. Dad took him to a corner street and i bought whatever was needed and stashed back the toy and told the truth "No money left" and as if the kid won't give in.. "You will go back later on and buy it" :X *sigh* This was not the end of the tiring demanding day. I called my neighbour's kids and they had demand to have eatables. First pakodas and then papads. He didn't even eat half of them. Before he could make other demand the youngest of my neighbour kids peed on my bro's side of bed and then he said,"I wanna pee". Now that was hilarious since it was my bro's side :D but i would have bonked the kid if it would have been my side. ^_^**(somethings make us selfish no?) finally with the change of payjamas for the youngest(he wanted to run up the stairs naked below waist and i had to drag him back -____-||) my cutie little nephie poo left after 8 in the night. By that time my family was totally spent on running after him and giving in to his demands. See that's what my nephew gets.. And what about me?? My uncle and Aunts would have said, "Go Fish" -_____-**
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