Friday, December 17, 2010
A nice story of Dawn Treader read by me attracted me to watch the movie. I and my bro were ready to go and watch it in English but we faced a disappointment of the reel being defected and we had to watch the movie in English. Well we obliged since we had already bought the tickets. Finally we watched the show with only 9 people in the hall. It was fun to watch in hindi and i long to watch it again in English. Hopefully someday i might watch it on DVD. Had fun again for Narnia :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Harry Potter watching Day!

Yayyyyyy.. finally the 1st part of Deathly Hallows was released in India and me and my bro couldn't wait to watch it in movie hall. So we bought our tickets a day before. But it was embarrassing enough when we were questioned as following:-
Man at ticket window:- How may i help u?
Bro:- We want a two tickets for Harry potter, tomorrow's show at 10P.M.
Man:- Ok tomorrow's show 10 P.M, Harry potter
Bro:- Yes
Man (while clicking mouse on computer):- Tomorrow 10 P.M. 2 tickets harry potter
Bro:- yes
Man(while looking at tickets):- Tomorrow 10P.M. 2 tickets harry potter
Bro:- yes (totally irritated)
and people behind us sniggered for God knows what reason. Well finally the day of the show comes but i was too worked up to even revel in the happiness as
1) it was raining heavily outside
2) it was raining heavily outside, and;
3) it was raining heavily outside
So i was waiting for the rain to stop so that i could go to office. Finally i reached office by 2 in the afternoon and had to go and buy some books from a bookstall and broke my shoe. Well yes broke my shoe. Now i had to say goodbye to my 5 year old buddy. In the office i worked myself to exhaustion, went to shopping with my PDP trainer who had to leave for a journey and i finally had to buy new bathroom slippers. Finally at home by 7 and relieved of the day's adventures felt the exhaustion in full flow but didn't want it to dampen my spirits. At 10 we were there and watching it. finally cam back at 12:30 and felt at top of the world. I named it Harry Potter watching Day coz for the first time i watched it with my bro only. Others wanted to tag along but we tackled them ;)
Finally a news for people who are reading this. I deleted my orkut account because i saw no point in having a account which was useless and not a source to b contacted anymore. Besides i wanted to bury some old happy memories forever and I meant it this time.
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Big Day

My Big day has come and gone. It was supposed to be a special day but i didn't get the feeling that it was a special day for me. Just a regular one. May be this year the mood was off a bit. Anyways, it started with annoyingly buzzing of my phone since 7 in the morning. A stupid friend of mine wishing me through messages when i have always told her to message me after 9 since i am a late sleeper and riser. Either her brains go down the drains while reading my complaint message or she refuses to understand what is it saying. Since my Friends and my brother's friends had already wished me at night after 12 i had no one else to look forward to except my family's wishes. Then started my normal but hectic day. Had to make the office boy run for some errands, made two calls to Singapore for the first time of my life and was surprised to hear people there speaking so softly which made me dig my phone in my ear to listen what they are actually saying. Then I distributed chocolates among kids, my boss and another coordinator. When the students left we had a chocolate pastry party and we left at 7.
When I reached home i saw my cousin there and then we had small bhelpuri party. It was not much fun but it was fine. Finally when everything was over i changed and relaxed. We didn't go out for the dinner since we all were full. Then talked on phone, receiving wishes and had a small funny incident with my cousin giving surprise to his mother by flying back from Canada and the family in Canada was mum all the time on phone with regard to his arrival or anything. We had coke at the neighbour's place: just me and bro. Around 11:45 we came back and i watched TV and then went off to sleep.
That was my simple and not so exciting 24th birthday. I wish that i had my close friends here with me to have a big party bash.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My Birthday

There are 3 days left for my Birthday also known as big day for me.. This day was always special for me because i used to get a nice family party to celebrate and get loads of presents. Later on when i grew up a little i had my little bro to celebrate this special day with because his birthday is on 21st of this month. After this i started inviting my friends from school to celebrate this day along with my family. Soon i stopped having family parties on my day and my bro got to celebrate it with his friends at home. Last year i came to know the value of my friends who gave me a surprise party in the college and we celebrated my birthday there in the free period. It was fun and worth being remembered.
This year, I have no one around me to celebrate my birthday with except my family. Every friend of mine has left this city . I am not keen on celebrating it this year and neither am i in a good mood to do so. I did get my birthday prezzies in advance for example a mobile but still i am not happy. In my past i have always been excited and happy to celebrate my birthday and when i grew up i realized why it was so. It was so because i think i am getting nearer to something or the other good thing in my life every year. This is the only day in my life when i think of ups and downs i have faced during the one year of my life. It rarely happens that i get depressed by remembering all the negative things that happened. I try to look the positive ones and learning to move ahead with them in my mind is my ultimate goal. i will reflect again this year on these facts but will miss my dear friends who are far away from me.
Happy Birthday in advance to all my friends because our relation as friends was born when i was born. :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A refreshing trip

I know this post is late in coming but well i got time to type it all now. I have been working in this office over six months now and i haven't even paid a visit to the head office in Lucknow. My boss made a sudden program of us going there and see what its like. The PDP trainer Ruchi was cajoled into joining us and our Media coordinator Rupali was all set to have a break from her usual worries.
So next morning i got late and reached the college around 10:15 A.m. and i remembered picking some stuff to eat on our way there. I bought chips, bubble gum, Polo, and some sweetsfrom college canteen. Then I and my boss started off and picked up Rupali and Ruchi on our way to Lucknow. We all just kept chattering(Rupali did most of the time since i and boss are more like listening types) and when we reached Lucknow we didn't know. Now we saw the walls and park built by the current CM and why were they made is still an unsolved question; all politics i guess. Anyways saw the elephants, CM's own statues and a beautiful fountain and losing our way three times (though my boss came before to the city but she always came from different routes and forgets them) we finally made it.
The office was actually an old bunglow and the alterations made in there were cool since they give the mixed feelings of being at home and office both. We went through a nice lawn and came across a door. When we went inside we were greeted by the receptionist who looked at my boss and failed to recognize her because my boss was wearing a saree rather than a suit!! well that was humorous. Then i and the other 2 waited outside while boss went inside and talked to the founder and head of the institute. Then i was called in and was happy with the warm welcome the lady gave me. I felt warm inside me. Then i was asked to have something and i asked for nimbu pani while my boss had tea. The head didn't know that we had already formed a team and she was surprised to find out that Ruchi and Rupali were the two eligible and experienced ladies who joined us. After a small chat i met Miss Shagun again and she was surprised to see me. She met me before when she came to my city for counselling and we had a lunch together. Then we took our leave. Me blushing because whie introducing to the staff the head realized that she misheard my name and mixed Rupali with Ruchi.
Well then we left for Saharaganj to have our lunch. I was scared of escalators so took the stairs to the top floor. There MCdonald's was full because it was weekend. Hence, we ended up having lunch at Moti Mahal. Ruchi was keen to buy Kababs from famous Tundey Kababi so we went there and bought some for her family while our boss ordered lunch. When we were about to get up Boss was called off at a sudden meeting arranged by the Lucknow director at a club. So now she left and we had some time on our hands to do some window shopping.
When i say window shopping, its just a term used when we don't have money. But we all were loaded so ended up buying something or the other. Ruchi went and bought a bag while I and Rupali rested our tired feet on a chair in AC shop. Then we went to Sahara Unique. Ruchi and Rupali bought some junk jewellery while i ended up looking thrugh dresses and wooden stuff. I came across a unique wooden box with hooks inside and a glass door on outside. It was in the combination of red and green colour with Rajasthani work written all over the decoration. I also found some beautiful dresses which were so appealing that i would have bought them off if not for the price tag. One was red short strap dress and another one a long purple gown with purple roses on the side of the dress and a hem that gave it a victorian look. I showed my finds to Rupali who bought the box which was supposed to be on discount. She thought we were lucky but it so happened we can get discount on the scratch cards. Well at least she got the discount and bought the box. Rupali was so happy she got me a necklace made of sandalwood beads. I was reluctant to have it but then she insisted and i let her buy that for me. Then the boss called and we headed to the waiting car.
On our way back i was feeling sleepy. There was no room for me to pull up my legs and sit comfortably since Rupali and Ruchi are healthy so there was no question of spare space. I had to make do with putting my head on the glass of the door and try to sleep. Rupali was listening to the songs on my i-pod and she started singing along with it. I gave her a look and she asked me whether she was singing aloud and i said yes. Then she shut her mouth and i was about to sleep when she started singing again and i couldn't help but pull her cheeks and say shut up. She was surprised and stroked her cheeks in amazement. Even Ruchi was surprised. Then rupali touched my hand said that my hands were hot as if i was having fever. I told her i am fine my temperature remains high. She made a comment at that which made Ruchi hit her on the back of her head. Then we got into a small brawl and finally ended up me sleeping on Rupali's shoulder which gave a crik on my neck. Ruchi meditating with her eyes closed and Rupali listening to music. We finally reached our homes around 7 or so. By that time i was so tired that i would have loved to lie down as soon as i reached home but kitchen duty calls. Finally after all that work and chores I slept at 12 my usual time.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dream Diary-4
Geez i feel steamrolled!! had 3 dreams back 2 back ad it seems i need lots of sleep..!! This dream i had began with my being a certain bus with lots of people in it who all were my friends. We all talked about a girl who threatened the life of people. When we got of the bus we all were lodged in a home that had lots and lots of rooms. I for one slept fitfully while others made lots of noise. In the morning there were not many people left. I couldn't figure what happened to them. Then i saw a girl wearing blue tee-shirt and brown shorts standing with her back to me. She seemed familiar somehow and i couldn't place my finger. She left immediately. Then we all decided if anyone sees a strange girl appearing one should start yelling. Ok fine yelling is good. Brings people to rescue. Then we all settled down. We all had charges to look after i had a kid who was watching TV in a room next to mine. I kept checking on him. Finally i went further than that. I checked a room that was next to that kid's. When i opened the door i saw the girl standing there in blue Tee-shirt and she was none other than ME!!
I yelled for that kid to run. She i mean me whatever chased after us.. I yelled and everyone who was still alive heard it.. We kept running till she was close to the kid and to my horror touched his arm and he disappeared. i was scared and yelled again when i saw her coming for me. Then the dream ended. Question: Why was that girl me? Ans:- May be i am running from myself Question:- Why take lives? How could people disappear just by touch? Answer:- I don't know.
Now comes the second dream. Its more fantastic than this one. I went to this place where my friend and i usually shop. I was alone. i shopped a lot and i had to run to the office because i took break for shopping. I came across a shop that sold some cute sweets. I bought some for 20 bucks and then the shopkeeper gave me my favourite sweet for free. Then i said thank you and left the shop. The son of the owner called me from behind but i never gave him heed and moved on anyway looking for rickshaw or some mode of transport. It was already five and i was supposed to be at home by 4. But then i saw myself separated from my body. My body was sleeping in my room at home and my soul was walking. Weird!! i was supposed to reach home after my mum left for market. When she left I turned up and entered my body. Though the stuff i bought was still there with me.
This third dream starts in an underground maze kind of thing. Where people are buying and selling and all sorts of people live there.. It is also the home for everyone but instead of sky they see the ceiling. It was as if they all live under the roof of a biiiig house with lots of corridors instead of streets. There were some punjabi people who talked together of an upcoming event. A famous personality turned up and there were lots of shouts of encouragement and all. I left them at it. Then i was looking for a way out and found some stairs leading up. I went climbed them and found myself on top of the building or something. I didn't go further than the last step and turned around and came back. But the corridors and everything had changed. It was like the corridors moved or something. I was scared and it was dark outside. i tried to find my way outside but couldn't. I found a room where someone i know was standing looking in the mirror. He saw me and i ran away afraid of him. He chased me till i came across a room where the servant's kids whom i teach in the office were watching TV. One of them showed me the way out which was on the floor of my office. It was weird. Then there was a Gal and the same guy jumping on some coloured tiles making them produce noise that of piano..Seriously now how could that happen! But i waited for the darkness to lift to go home. The clouds were making it look like night. Then i woke up. Question:- Why do some of my dreams have black clouds in them? Ans:- Because of inner darkness may b.
I am tired going back to sleep @_@
I yelled for that kid to run. She i mean me whatever chased after us.. I yelled and everyone who was still alive heard it.. We kept running till she was close to the kid and to my horror touched his arm and he disappeared. i was scared and yelled again when i saw her coming for me. Then the dream ended. Question: Why was that girl me? Ans:- May be i am running from myself Question:- Why take lives? How could people disappear just by touch? Answer:- I don't know.
Now comes the second dream. Its more fantastic than this one. I went to this place where my friend and i usually shop. I was alone. i shopped a lot and i had to run to the office because i took break for shopping. I came across a shop that sold some cute sweets. I bought some for 20 bucks and then the shopkeeper gave me my favourite sweet for free. Then i said thank you and left the shop. The son of the owner called me from behind but i never gave him heed and moved on anyway looking for rickshaw or some mode of transport. It was already five and i was supposed to be at home by 4. But then i saw myself separated from my body. My body was sleeping in my room at home and my soul was walking. Weird!! i was supposed to reach home after my mum left for market. When she left I turned up and entered my body. Though the stuff i bought was still there with me.
This third dream starts in an underground maze kind of thing. Where people are buying and selling and all sorts of people live there.. It is also the home for everyone but instead of sky they see the ceiling. It was as if they all live under the roof of a biiiig house with lots of corridors instead of streets. There were some punjabi people who talked together of an upcoming event. A famous personality turned up and there were lots of shouts of encouragement and all. I left them at it. Then i was looking for a way out and found some stairs leading up. I went climbed them and found myself on top of the building or something. I didn't go further than the last step and turned around and came back. But the corridors and everything had changed. It was like the corridors moved or something. I was scared and it was dark outside. i tried to find my way outside but couldn't. I found a room where someone i know was standing looking in the mirror. He saw me and i ran away afraid of him. He chased me till i came across a room where the servant's kids whom i teach in the office were watching TV. One of them showed me the way out which was on the floor of my office. It was weird. Then there was a Gal and the same guy jumping on some coloured tiles making them produce noise that of piano..Seriously now how could that happen! But i waited for the darkness to lift to go home. The clouds were making it look like night. Then i woke up. Question:- Why do some of my dreams have black clouds in them? Ans:- Because of inner darkness may b.
I am tired going back to sleep @_@
Saturday, July 31, 2010
A friendly help and a discouraging comment

This happened last week. My one of the good net friend was in trouble and he all of a sudden asked me to provide him with my phone no. despite of having it before. He gave me the new no. and asked me to call him up or msg because he was in desperate need for a friend. I said fine lets see what this guy has got himself into this time.
The history of this guy with me is too long. To put it in a convenient manner we have been net friends for 3 yrs now and he calls himself Dark Goku and calls me as his princess. We used to have fun chatting and discussing stuff. I like him as he is 2-3 years younger than me. But last year i have been observing the decline in his net activities and thought it to be because of the recent heartbreak with bad marks in exams as the 2 prominent reasons. Now he again wanted something to talk about. When he called and opened his mouth i felt like kicking someone just for the hell of it. The poor guy has been in relationship with a girl on net for 3 yrs :(. She is underage >.> and she always betrayed him <.<> and counting this time its thrice >.< . How low can a girl go to do this kind of thing? He always accepted her back in his life because he thought her new promises are genuine to the core. But this third time he saw the proof. As if he was not seeing them twice before. *sigh* He wanted to meet her which was not a bad idea but she discouraged him. Finally they agreed to meet on airport when she returned from Edinburgh. He lost his sleep and didn't eat anything because of all the excitement. He had the exam the day he was to come back from the meeting and he didn't study for it. He reached the airport. The flight landed. She left through the security check without meeting him breaking his heart again. He called her up and she says "Don't be angry on a trivial matter as this" All the more stupid thing to say because it was not trivial from any point. He came back and after taking his exam in which he later on failed he fainted because of lack of food and sleep. His friends helped him out. >.>
Now he wants to meet again but the girl refuses. She refused to continue the relationship but when he insisted she continued it. Finally she says she needs time to dwell on it. He gave her the time too. But he tried to contact her again to talk on something she refused to pick his calls and talk. She termed him as a stalker among her friends. Deleted all her accounts because he had the access to them. Asked one of her net friends to deal with him because he is troubling her. Her friends taunted him called him for conference and she didn't say anything even after he told her what he is going through and asking her the reason for this treatment. Her friends called him a stalker and other uncalled for names. When he called her by the given name 'Sakura Chan' it became all the more fun for her friends. She never stopped them. They instead told her that she was soft on this guy. It was like a dog was being treated abominably because his mistress was soft on him. It became pathetic and after that i told him to move on. not to message her and try calling her. He wanted me to intervene and i refused on the grounds of not knowing her. So we both left it at that. He messaged her for the last time asking for the answers to his questions and no reply came.
Finally the girl's sister who is of same age as me talked to him and called him names and telling him that he was bothering an underage girl for no reason at all. She left and he told me all this. I was angry because he didn't tell me this before. If he would have done so in both the cases i might have been able to help him out by fighting it out which he lost because of lack of morale and spirit. We messaged everyday till i fell asleep at 12. I trying to help him and he trying to recover from all this.
Now a good friend of mine whom i met via net and have never met actually but talked on phone called me up and asked me the reason for being busy messaging which is usual question answer thing. He got angry that i gave my phone no. to a net friend about whom i don't know anything. He didn't buy the fact that we both trust each other a lots and lots of friendship thing. But in the end i got the comment "You are a career counselor not a Life counselor" which hurt a lot because it was a shallow remark made just because i refused to tell him what the trouble was.
In return i msgd him that a career counselor is sometimes a life counselor and what if i started giving the same remark to all my friends every time they helped me. To this there was no reply and neither did i talk after that because i was angry.
Now the guy is still pining over the girl. I am still bothered what kind of a sick girl she was to treat him like this for no fault on his part. I know one fact that net relationships are restricted to being buddy buddy thing only. Beyond that if a person wants a relationship then there should be a meeting for that. I tried to provide a friendly help and for that i got a comment that hurt. Sometimes life is not fair.
Dream Diary-3
Its been ages since i have written again.. My dreams tend to get evaporated after i wake up. I guess its all because i am noting them down here. So the number of dreams have decreased but the magnitude of scary ones has increased. I remember only one dream from today morning because i have started forgetting my other bad ones. This one led me to my office where i am working peacefully. Then i am leaving for shopping to the nearby market and i plan to go home alone while usually my boss drops me off. Now generally i avoid such situations and do the shopping before but it was my dream after all..
I went to do the shopping and surprisingly its winter and i am wearing black coat that i always dreamed of wearing instead of the dull pink one i have. And i am moving through the shops looking through the windows enjoying myself when i found myself running because some 3-4 people have started chasing me. That's weird was the thought that occurred in my mind because i didn't do anything and people are chasing me. Some people i don't know who helped me by encouraging me and holding my handing during this marathon-like chase. I was scared and had to trust the people helping me. My heartbeat rate increased and even in my sleep i knew something bad is going to happen. All of a sudden i returned to consciousness and realized i was holding my pillow tightly and my heart beat slowed. Without opening my eyes i calmed my breath and slipped back to sleep.
I went to do the shopping and surprisingly its winter and i am wearing black coat that i always dreamed of wearing instead of the dull pink one i have. And i am moving through the shops looking through the windows enjoying myself when i found myself running because some 3-4 people have started chasing me. That's weird was the thought that occurred in my mind because i didn't do anything and people are chasing me. Some people i don't know who helped me by encouraging me and holding my handing during this marathon-like chase. I was scared and had to trust the people helping me. My heartbeat rate increased and even in my sleep i knew something bad is going to happen. All of a sudden i returned to consciousness and realized i was holding my pillow tightly and my heart beat slowed. Without opening my eyes i calmed my breath and slipped back to sleep.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Shayad yehi Life hai..!!

Mujhe pata hai yeh mera first hindi post hai ab tak and sab surprised honge ki main hindi mein kyun likh rahi hoon.. actually mujhe break chahiye tha english se.. toh socha yahan par break le loon.. full time angreji padh kar and padha kar main bore ho gayi ;) kya karun meri job he aisi hai.. mujhe angreji mein baat karni padti hai and padhana padta hai english mein, toh bore toh ho he jaungi na.. :D
Hindi mein apni friends se baat karti thi phone par roz, woh bhi ab is city mein nahi hai toh kabhi-2 baat karne ka compromise karna pada. Bechara phone sirf message aur apni boss se baat karne k time par he bajta hai nahi toh sirf message karne bhar ki he iski reputation hai ab. :D Meri best friend is samay Kolkata mein hai and uske papa abhi wahan gaye hain. Maine uske liye ek churan ka packet, 2 anchor stitch kits, ek beautiful sa plastic ka packet jismein yeh sab samaan aagaya woh bheja hai. Woh mere liye coloured pens, necklace and aur bhi cheezein bhej rahi hai.. Sunne mein bachhon jaisa lagta hai par yehi sab woh cheezein hain jinko har baar use karte samay ya fir dekhte he uski yaad ayegi. Apne purane din yaad aayenge jab hum donon saath mein shopping karne jaate they. Main hamesha mere ghar se nikalte waqt late karti thi and woh chillati thi. Shivalay mein mast 2 ghante shopping karte they kabhi jewellery ki dukan par toh kabhi churan ki.. Time toh lagta he tha chahe crowd ho ya na ho. Jab bhi shivalay gay toh wahan k golguppe nhi chhode :) soch kar mann lalcha jata hai..
Uske baad woh parade jana and wahan se books lena.. course ki books lene k time par jaan nikalti thi.. novels lene k time par excited hotey they.. woh itna time nahi lagati thi coz usko pata tha ki usko kaunsi book chahiye.. lekin mere ko time lagta tha kyunki main random book reader hoon.. jo samajh aati hai utha leti thi..
fir uske baad recharge karwate they mobile ka.. mere paas kabhi recharge k liye paise nahi bachte they hamesha zaroorat se zyada kharcha karti thi.. woh apne budget se chalti thi and mera recharge karwa kar kehti thi ki tum mera kisi din karwa dena and main baad mein uska balance dalwati thi.. Uske baad hum log ya toh apne gahron k liye tempo pakadte they ya fir mere ghar jaate they..
Humne 4 saal aise he bitaye hain.. Jo yeh padh raha hoga usko lag raha hoga ki hum logon ney kitna enjoy kiya.. and yeh sach hai hum log masti bhi karte they, gussa karte they and saath mein mazaak bhi karte they..
Ab hum donon ko ek doosre ki bheji hui chhoti-2 cheezein dekh kar tassali karna padta hai.. aaj main akele shivalay jaati hoon, akele parade jati hoon.. zaroorat bhar ka saman lekar bina chat khaye aati hoon.. kitabein dekhne mein abhi bhi utna he time lagta hai lekin mere ko baar-2 ghoorne wali ya impatient ladki mere aas paas nahi hai..Mobile recharge karwane men aafat aati hai.. paise hote huey bhi nahi karwati yeh sochkar kiske liye karun? usse toh online baat ho jaati hai.. fir yeh sochti hoon ki kaunsa har baar online jane ka mauka milta hai.. messaging se he kaam ban jata hai..
City nahi badli lekin aadatein badal jaati hain and uski wajha se log badal jaate hain.. shayad main bhi badal gayi hoon.. apni purani friends se bhi ab khali normal messaging hoti hai phone toh door ab kisi k paas message se he haal chaal poochne tak ka time nahi hai.. yehi haal ab mera hai.. Shayad life badal gayi hai hum nahi badle.. Jo aapki life mein ata hai woh chhodkar chala jata hai lekin dobara woh kis mod par aa jaye yeh koi nahi janta par woh log aate zaroor hain.. Shayad yehi life hai..!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
A beautiful and terrible day
It was a nice and hot day as usual because we were not having any monsoon rains so it was dry too. I wanted it to change but just because i thought so it wont happen. Well i asked my dad to drop me to office for a change because i don't travel by tempos in this hot and sultry weather as it harms my skin a lot.
In the office i went through my daily routine of teaching kids and then having lunch reading, novel and finally drawing a diagram for one of the kid's project. While doing so the sky clouded and it became windy. it began to rain and storm all of a sudden. i was happy to see the change. It was a terrible storm but beautiful.. yes in my opinion beautiful. The landlady (she is old) she stepped out in the rain enjoying it. I felt as if she is remembering her childhood days or something.I wanted to do the same but i din't have spare clothes.Then a sudden gust of wind sent her in and i stood watching at the rain and storm for a while and went inside to complete the drawings.
Then it stopped. Everything was wet and cool. My boss didn't turn up so i waited for the students and told them that the coaching was off and started off for home.
The environment looked washed out and beautiful and so green. The rickshaw got stuck in traffic jam and i felt after 1 year wishing that i was on bike with someone. somehow it took me 1/2 hr to reach the tempo stand. then i waited for tempo to turn up but so many passed by and all were full. So i walked to power house where stuck in jam i saw a tempo in which only one girl was sitting and it was going near my destination. i sat in it and thanked my lucky stars.
wherever we turned there was a fallen tree and broken electricity line. It was a chaos all over the city. The tempo guy didn't know the different routes and we guided him. He informed us that he was low on CNG. I cursed my bad day but then somehow we reached the destination and i walked the way back home to find no electricity. The whole city was blacked out. There was news of fallen trees, people injured and lots of bad stories. In turn i thought if there would have been more trees in the city may be this must not have happened. Whatever wrong is done by the man later on falls on him.
In the office i went through my daily routine of teaching kids and then having lunch reading, novel and finally drawing a diagram for one of the kid's project. While doing so the sky clouded and it became windy. it began to rain and storm all of a sudden. i was happy to see the change. It was a terrible storm but beautiful.. yes in my opinion beautiful. The landlady (she is old) she stepped out in the rain enjoying it. I felt as if she is remembering her childhood days or something.I wanted to do the same but i din't have spare clothes.Then a sudden gust of wind sent her in and i stood watching at the rain and storm for a while and went inside to complete the drawings.
Then it stopped. Everything was wet and cool. My boss didn't turn up so i waited for the students and told them that the coaching was off and started off for home.
The environment looked washed out and beautiful and so green. The rickshaw got stuck in traffic jam and i felt after 1 year wishing that i was on bike with someone. somehow it took me 1/2 hr to reach the tempo stand. then i waited for tempo to turn up but so many passed by and all were full. So i walked to power house where stuck in jam i saw a tempo in which only one girl was sitting and it was going near my destination. i sat in it and thanked my lucky stars.
wherever we turned there was a fallen tree and broken electricity line. It was a chaos all over the city. The tempo guy didn't know the different routes and we guided him. He informed us that he was low on CNG. I cursed my bad day but then somehow we reached the destination and i walked the way back home to find no electricity. The whole city was blacked out. There was news of fallen trees, people injured and lots of bad stories. In turn i thought if there would have been more trees in the city may be this must not have happened. Whatever wrong is done by the man later on falls on him.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Small experiences

You know, i am working in this office for 2 months now and it will be 3 next month on 5th. Anyways, i have learned some new stuff such as how to use stationary normally and not normally. Sounds weird no? But it is so..
1) Pencil/pen
Normal use:- Writing
Not normal use:- hitting kids on their heads when they are not listening to u
2) Eraser
Normal use:- erasing stuff
Not normal use:- scribbling the name of the institute on it, playing sharpener and eraser fight when alone
3) Scale
Normal use:- Drawing lines
Not normal use:- using plastic small scales(and breaking them) for hitting kids (reminds me to buy a new one)
4) Scissors
Normal use:- cutting paper and other material
Not normal use:- Opening the lid of my lunch (especially the box containing dal)
They are day to day useful stuff without which i cant complete my day. Apart from this i am supposed to avoid lizards and their off springs, especially the off springs because they don't know when their life is in danger and might come under your shoes. So when i go to my office's washroom i have to look left and right(both floor and ceiling) before opening and closing the doors because one doesn't know with lizards specially the black ones.
There's another rule that i have put in my office(for myself because i am alone most of the time there) never ever leave the doors of the office room open when going to washroom. A cat- yes my dear a cat can enter the room without your knowing and hide under your desk. When you come back you might see that cat looking at you with its pale green eyes, questioning your authority and looking haughty. It might complain by mewing at you and make you feel like running away but never run instead back off from the door and say 'shoo' and it will run away giving u a glare of 'I'll be back don't forget it!' which might turn your legs to jelly and make you somehow drag yourself to a chair. (last time i saw some monkeys outside causing the racket so this security is more like necessity, cant afford my office to be trashed now can i?)
Well this is how my day goes most of the time and i hope i get more entertaining days as the time passes by.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Dream Diary-2
Well now i am having at least two dreams in a month.. I dunno why is this happening. There's nothing exciting happening in my life (except screwing the courier thing in the office well i am over that mistake now) but still why such unasked for strange dreams occur i still cant figure it out.
It so happened in my one of the dreams in April that i and my best friend are going to sit in an exam in our college. I was going in my car with a driver we have newly hired to get some books from the market. I went there and had a chat with some of my friends (whom i have never met in my life but they did seem like friends) and came back to car. Then i went to my college and went to the examination hall and found myself sitting next to my friend. Then i suddenly remembered that i forgot my admit card at home! So i and my friend ran out to get it. The stairs turned spiral. Now thats something and i was about to be stopped by my uncle who i dunno what was doing there? and then we ran out of the gate and found my car and driver were gone. Now WHAT!! So i just turned around to get inside and cry my eyes out when this really smart thin guy in a sports car turned up wearing white shirt and blue jeans with his friend. I looked up at him quizzically when he gave me my admit card! Now how the heck he had it?? But i was relieved to get it back and i shook his hand and said "Thank You Very Much" and he BLUSHED!! Man i couldn't believe then i ran again back inside to my examination hall and we had just taken our seats when this harassed looking guy having one arm in the shirt other grabbing the answer sheet from the invigilator came inside the room and sat next to my friend's seat. We knew him from net but we have never met him before. He had crush on me so we all parted ways. After the exam was over i and my friend came out and discussed the paper and were arguing about whether the guy wanted to talk to her or me? Suddenly someone tapped us both from behind and he was standing there and telling us that he wanted to talk to us both. What did he wanted to say is beyond my thinking because i woke up after that.
Next dream happened lately about me and some people of my family having fun in this huuuuuuuggge garden. I dunno where we were and it all seemed like having a biig family picnic. There was a small hill that was bare of any flowers we were collecting but it had lots of grass. All of sudden the door of that hill opened(OMG a door in that hill!) and someone beckoned us all in it. The guy was older than all the kids around and he looked majestic in his dress that was all Indian from head to toe ( I mean typical Indian). So we were inside this hill and whatever we were in started moving. It was an underground train for god's sake!! it was all in purple and gold and the train was moving. We had cup of coffee and stuff to eat and when we reached the destination it was more beautiful place then i have ever seen. A biiiig garden with lots and lots of flowers with the fountains here and there. Before i could inquire where are we i woke up.
The another dream happened this morning. I was standing on a terrace when there was this person i have never met before came to me and asked me to help him. The problem was he had big scars on his face as if it was cut by knife or something. I touched him and the scars started disappearing. What did he face looked like after that is what i can't remember anymore. But this was something strange. Next dream Diary comes next month. Till then Sayonara.
It so happened in my one of the dreams in April that i and my best friend are going to sit in an exam in our college. I was going in my car with a driver we have newly hired to get some books from the market. I went there and had a chat with some of my friends (whom i have never met in my life but they did seem like friends) and came back to car. Then i went to my college and went to the examination hall and found myself sitting next to my friend. Then i suddenly remembered that i forgot my admit card at home! So i and my friend ran out to get it. The stairs turned spiral. Now thats something and i was about to be stopped by my uncle who i dunno what was doing there? and then we ran out of the gate and found my car and driver were gone. Now WHAT!! So i just turned around to get inside and cry my eyes out when this really smart thin guy in a sports car turned up wearing white shirt and blue jeans with his friend. I looked up at him quizzically when he gave me my admit card! Now how the heck he had it?? But i was relieved to get it back and i shook his hand and said "Thank You Very Much" and he BLUSHED!! Man i couldn't believe then i ran again back inside to my examination hall and we had just taken our seats when this harassed looking guy having one arm in the shirt other grabbing the answer sheet from the invigilator came inside the room and sat next to my friend's seat. We knew him from net but we have never met him before. He had crush on me so we all parted ways. After the exam was over i and my friend came out and discussed the paper and were arguing about whether the guy wanted to talk to her or me? Suddenly someone tapped us both from behind and he was standing there and telling us that he wanted to talk to us both. What did he wanted to say is beyond my thinking because i woke up after that.
Next dream happened lately about me and some people of my family having fun in this huuuuuuuggge garden. I dunno where we were and it all seemed like having a biig family picnic. There was a small hill that was bare of any flowers we were collecting but it had lots of grass. All of sudden the door of that hill opened(OMG a door in that hill!) and someone beckoned us all in it. The guy was older than all the kids around and he looked majestic in his dress that was all Indian from head to toe ( I mean typical Indian). So we were inside this hill and whatever we were in started moving. It was an underground train for god's sake!! it was all in purple and gold and the train was moving. We had cup of coffee and stuff to eat and when we reached the destination it was more beautiful place then i have ever seen. A biiiig garden with lots and lots of flowers with the fountains here and there. Before i could inquire where are we i woke up.
The another dream happened this morning. I was standing on a terrace when there was this person i have never met before came to me and asked me to help him. The problem was he had big scars on his face as if it was cut by knife or something. I touched him and the scars started disappearing. What did he face looked like after that is what i can't remember anymore. But this was something strange. Next dream Diary comes next month. Till then Sayonara.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
This post was supposed to be here on 10th of april but i am late in writing and posting it all because of stupid power cuts we keep on having. Anyways, its been a week since i have started this job in councelling and teaching IELTS and TOEFFL which is way better than my teaching in school. I was about to run around giving resumes in the schools for a job but this job saved me. All thanks to my teacher who approached me with it. All i have to do is sit in the newly opened office with a novel or my i-pod listening to music and wait for people to turn up for their aptitude tests to be conducted. Then in the evening i have to teach IELTS right now, no TOEFFL students at present. Well i am doing something at least.
The thing is the office is opened in an old home built during the British rule because of presence of a very elegant fireplace in the room we have our office in. But that doesn't make it look old as the three ladies i see every day who make me feel young. Too young actually. They own the place and they differ in ages but the thing that's same among all of them is extremely white hair. Seriously, that white hair will make my dad feel young. :D
There's this guy called Chandilal who is their servant. He has the duplicate keys of the office and he is responsible for getting our office and bathroom cleaned by a sweeper before i turn up in the morning. We don't refer him by his actual name. We just call him fat guy. How convenient! One day the owner came to our office and tried to understand what we were doing actually. She was informed by my boss and she kept nodding with every sentence my boss spoke. It made me feel as if she is trying to understand but not really understanding things. She told us to treat the fat guy like a dirt. So now we call him "that fat guy whom we are supposed to treat like a dirt". :D
Things are quiet there for time being. I am waiting for holidays of children to begin when they will be turning up for aptitude tests. Then i won't be reading novels or listening to music because of lack of time. I would like to have that kind of scenario. Hopefully everything goes well.
The thing is the office is opened in an old home built during the British rule because of presence of a very elegant fireplace in the room we have our office in. But that doesn't make it look old as the three ladies i see every day who make me feel young. Too young actually. They own the place and they differ in ages but the thing that's same among all of them is extremely white hair. Seriously, that white hair will make my dad feel young. :D
There's this guy called Chandilal who is their servant. He has the duplicate keys of the office and he is responsible for getting our office and bathroom cleaned by a sweeper before i turn up in the morning. We don't refer him by his actual name. We just call him fat guy. How convenient! One day the owner came to our office and tried to understand what we were doing actually. She was informed by my boss and she kept nodding with every sentence my boss spoke. It made me feel as if she is trying to understand but not really understanding things. She told us to treat the fat guy like a dirt. So now we call him "that fat guy whom we are supposed to treat like a dirt". :D
Things are quiet there for time being. I am waiting for holidays of children to begin when they will be turning up for aptitude tests. Then i won't be reading novels or listening to music because of lack of time. I would like to have that kind of scenario. Hopefully everything goes well.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dream Diary-1
Well i decided to have this dream diary because i have been having weird dreams for months now. I still remember some and forgot the others. For instance i realized i can dreamwalk even.. strange na! well there was this kid i had dream of playing with. That was the first time i met someone who told me that she know me and and she saw me in her dream playing exactly like the way i was doing then. that was freaking but i couldn't help wondering about dream walking thing.
Well after this dream i had another one in which i was in my grandma's home which going derelict with age.I was the only person walking through the gallery and seeing the once beautiful home now going to pieces. I heard a noise and went in that direction. The doors on my right were all locked. The third and the last door was open an inch. I peered through it and i was grabbed by my collar by a huge man and he started beating me with a wrench and i could only see my blood pouring from my head and stomach and other places. I could hear my bones breaking. The only question i had in my mind was that what did i do that he he is hurting me? When i heard 3 guys strolling and chatting ideally as if they own the place. They heard my shouts of help and they didn't even move quickly. Then somehow i ran and his behind them and then they kicked that big guy's ass. My mum turned up and she told me that i am being sent to the place i don't want to go. I was like noooooooo and i woke up.. Thankfully...
Well after this dream for a few days nothing happened but i dreamed again of a temple built underground a restaurant. It was built in the times of radha krishna.. There was a huge white shivling and pujari asked me to pour milk and water and clean it and stuff they usually do. After that i went upstairs and sat with a huge group of people who were all my friends and i could remember only Dhanusha my online friend whom i have never met before and she was soo thin can u believe it? well i talked to her and then the dream got over.
The same night after the dream above i had a dream of a huge yeti who wanted to go to moon and find another one of his clan. These yetis love music and protect the earth and they come in colours. Geez man people reading my blog might be thinking that i am mad or something but i am describing what i remember. And this yeti liked me and he could talk. We were talking about moon and going there after which i got exhausted and slept on his arm. when i woke up i mean really woke up i did feel exhausted... must be the effect to of seeing two dreams in one night.
Now the recent dream i had was of my getting a job in a school where teachers wore blue and red checked miniskirts with white shirts and navy blue blazers. I thought What The Heck!! Aren't students should be having the school uniforms and we teachers should be allowed to wear whatever we want?? now this is crazy but since the pay was good and kids liked me i was the part of the team. I made new friends there and school was quite far from my place and i was on scooty being driven by my friend whose face and name i forgot after i woke up.
Well after this i had a dream the night before. I actually had 6 dreams and i can remember only one now. It was because i had my really tough exam the next day and i kept on waking up every hour whole night, checked d clock and went to sleep again. It was a weird dream of my standing in rain and some hunk in black t-shirt soaking wet with his muscles showing off from it was trying to tell me something which was supposed to shock me and he wasn't getting the expected reaction. and we both were soaked to skin and he was telling me something calmly.. i woke up and now i cant remember that guy's face.. Strange...!!
I will keep writing new dream diaries whenever i get time. i forgot to mention about my being chased by a T-Rex in my hometown and i was the only person left in the whole empty town. The running thing in my dream made me feel the next day as if i was actually running. I was tired and it was my birthday. So more dream diaries soon!!
Well after this dream i had another one in which i was in my grandma's home which going derelict with age.I was the only person walking through the gallery and seeing the once beautiful home now going to pieces. I heard a noise and went in that direction. The doors on my right were all locked. The third and the last door was open an inch. I peered through it and i was grabbed by my collar by a huge man and he started beating me with a wrench and i could only see my blood pouring from my head and stomach and other places. I could hear my bones breaking. The only question i had in my mind was that what did i do that he he is hurting me? When i heard 3 guys strolling and chatting ideally as if they own the place. They heard my shouts of help and they didn't even move quickly. Then somehow i ran and his behind them and then they kicked that big guy's ass. My mum turned up and she told me that i am being sent to the place i don't want to go. I was like noooooooo and i woke up.. Thankfully...
Well after this dream for a few days nothing happened but i dreamed again of a temple built underground a restaurant. It was built in the times of radha krishna.. There was a huge white shivling and pujari asked me to pour milk and water and clean it and stuff they usually do. After that i went upstairs and sat with a huge group of people who were all my friends and i could remember only Dhanusha my online friend whom i have never met before and she was soo thin can u believe it? well i talked to her and then the dream got over.
The same night after the dream above i had a dream of a huge yeti who wanted to go to moon and find another one of his clan. These yetis love music and protect the earth and they come in colours. Geez man people reading my blog might be thinking that i am mad or something but i am describing what i remember. And this yeti liked me and he could talk. We were talking about moon and going there after which i got exhausted and slept on his arm. when i woke up i mean really woke up i did feel exhausted... must be the effect to of seeing two dreams in one night.
Now the recent dream i had was of my getting a job in a school where teachers wore blue and red checked miniskirts with white shirts and navy blue blazers. I thought What The Heck!! Aren't students should be having the school uniforms and we teachers should be allowed to wear whatever we want?? now this is crazy but since the pay was good and kids liked me i was the part of the team. I made new friends there and school was quite far from my place and i was on scooty being driven by my friend whose face and name i forgot after i woke up.
Well after this i had a dream the night before. I actually had 6 dreams and i can remember only one now. It was because i had my really tough exam the next day and i kept on waking up every hour whole night, checked d clock and went to sleep again. It was a weird dream of my standing in rain and some hunk in black t-shirt soaking wet with his muscles showing off from it was trying to tell me something which was supposed to shock me and he wasn't getting the expected reaction. and we both were soaked to skin and he was telling me something calmly.. i woke up and now i cant remember that guy's face.. Strange...!!
I will keep writing new dream diaries whenever i get time. i forgot to mention about my being chased by a T-Rex in my hometown and i was the only person left in the whole empty town. The running thing in my dream made me feel the next day as if i was actually running. I was tired and it was my birthday. So more dream diaries soon!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways

She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove,
A Maid whom there were none to praise
And very few to love:
A violet by a mossy stone
Half hidden from the eye!
--Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.
She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and, oh,
The difference to me!
William Wordsworth
Why Was Cupid a Boy?

Why was Cupid a boy,
And why a boy was he?
He should have been a girl,
For aught that I can see.
For he shoots with his bow,
And the girl shoots with her eye,
And they both are merry and glad,
And laugh when we do cry.
And to make Cupid a boy
Was the Cupid girl's mocking plan;
For a boy can't interpret the thing
Till he is become a man.
And then he's so pierc'd with cares,
And wounded with arrowy smarts,
That the whole business of his life
Is to pick out the heads of the darts.
'Twas the Greeks' love of war
Turn'd Love into a boy,
And woman into a statue of stone--
And away fled every joy.
William Blake
The Angel

I dreamt a dream! What can it mean?
And that I was a maiden Queen
Guarded by an Angel mild:
Witless woe was ne'er beguiled!
And I wept both night and day,
And he wiped my tears away;
And I wept both day and night,
And hid from him my heart's delight.
So he took his wings, and fled;
Then the morn blushed rosy red.
I dried my tears, and armed my fears
With ten-thousand shields and spears.
Soon my Angel came again;
I was armed, he came in vain;
For the time of youth was fled,
And grey hairs were on my head.
William Blake
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
William Wordsworth
By William Wordsworth
Strange fits of passion have I known:
And I will dare to tell,
But in the lover`s ear alone,
What once to me befell.
When she I loved look`d every day
Fresh as a rose in June,
I to her cottage bent my way,
Beneath an evening moon.
Upon the moon I fix`d my eye,
All over the wide lea;
With quickening pace my horse drew nigh
Those paths so dear to me.
And now we reach`d the orchard - plot;
And, as we climb`d the hill,
The sinking moon to Lucy`s cot
Came near and nearer still.
In one of those sweet dreams I slept,
Kind Nature`s gentlest boon!
And all the while my eyes I kept
On the descending moon.
My horse moved on; hoof after hoof
He raised, and never stopp`d:
When down behind the cottage roof,
At once, the bright moon dropp`d.
What fond and wayward thoughts will slide
Into a lover`s head!
`O mercy!` to myself I cried,
`If Lucy should be dead!`
She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove:
A maid whom there were none to praise,
And very few to love.
A violet by a mossy stone
Half - hidden from the eye!
- Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.
She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and, O!
The difference to me!
I travell`d among unknown men
In lands beyond the sea;
Nor, England! did I know till then
What love I bore to thee.
`Tis past, the melancholy dream!
Nor will I quit thy shore
A second time, for still I seem
To love thee more and more.
Among thy mountains did I feel
The joy of my desire;
And she I cherish`d turn`d her wheel
Beside an English fire.
Thy mornings show`d, thy nights conceal`d
The bowers where Lucy play`d;
And thine too is the last green field
That Lucy`s eyes survey`d.
Three years she grew in sun and shower;
Then Nature said, `A lovelier flower
On earth was never sown:
This child I to myself will take;
She shall be mine, and I will make
A lady of my own.
`Myself will to my darling be
Both law and impulse: and with me
The girl, in rock and plain,
In earth and heaven, in glade and bower,
Shall feel an overseeing power
To kindle or restrain.
`She shall be sportive as the fawn
That wild with glee across the lawn
Or up the mountain springs;
And her`s shall be the breathing balm,
And her`s the silence and the calm
Of mute insensate things.
`The floating clouds their state shall lend
To her; for her the willow bend;
Nor shall she fail to see
E`en in the motions of the storm
Grace that shall mould the maiden`s form
By silent sympathy.
`The stars of midnight shall be dear
To her; and she shall lean her ear
In many a secret place
Where rivulets dance their wayward round,
And beauty born of murmuring sound
Shall pass into her face.
`And vital feelings of delight
Shall rear her form to stately height,
Her virgin bosom swell;
Such thoughts to Lucy I will give
Where she and I together live
Here in this happy dell.`
Thus Nature spake - The work was done -
How soon my Lucy`s race was run!
She died, and left to me
This heath, this calm and quiet scene;
The memory of what has been,
And never more will be.
A slumber did my spirit seal;
I had no human fears:
She seem`d a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.
No motion has she now, no force;
She neither hears nor sees;
Roll`d round in earth`s diurnal course
With rocks, and stones, and trees.
Inner Vision, The
Most sweet it is with unuplifted eyes
To pace the ground, if path there be or none
While a fair region round the Traveller lies
Which he forbears again to look upon;
Pleased rather with some soft ideal scene
The work of Fancy, or some happy tone
Of meditation, slipping in between
The beauty coming and the beauty gone.
- If Thought and Love desert us, from that day
Let us break off all commerce with the Muse:
With Thought and Love companions of our way -
Whate`er the senses take or may refuse, -
The Mind`s internal heaven shall shed her dews
Of inspiration on the humblest lay.
Strange fits of passion have I known:
And I will dare to tell,
But in the lover`s ear alone,
What once to me befell.
When she I loved look`d every day
Fresh as a rose in June,
I to her cottage bent my way,
Beneath an evening moon.
Upon the moon I fix`d my eye,
All over the wide lea;
With quickening pace my horse drew nigh
Those paths so dear to me.
And now we reach`d the orchard - plot;
And, as we climb`d the hill,
The sinking moon to Lucy`s cot
Came near and nearer still.
In one of those sweet dreams I slept,
Kind Nature`s gentlest boon!
And all the while my eyes I kept
On the descending moon.
My horse moved on; hoof after hoof
He raised, and never stopp`d:
When down behind the cottage roof,
At once, the bright moon dropp`d.
What fond and wayward thoughts will slide
Into a lover`s head!
`O mercy!` to myself I cried,
`If Lucy should be dead!`
She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove:
A maid whom there were none to praise,
And very few to love.
A violet by a mossy stone
Half - hidden from the eye!
- Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.
She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and, O!
The difference to me!
I travell`d among unknown men
In lands beyond the sea;
Nor, England! did I know till then
What love I bore to thee.
`Tis past, the melancholy dream!
Nor will I quit thy shore
A second time, for still I seem
To love thee more and more.
Among thy mountains did I feel
The joy of my desire;
And she I cherish`d turn`d her wheel
Beside an English fire.
Thy mornings show`d, thy nights conceal`d
The bowers where Lucy play`d;
And thine too is the last green field
That Lucy`s eyes survey`d.
Three years she grew in sun and shower;
Then Nature said, `A lovelier flower
On earth was never sown:
This child I to myself will take;
She shall be mine, and I will make
A lady of my own.
`Myself will to my darling be
Both law and impulse: and with me
The girl, in rock and plain,
In earth and heaven, in glade and bower,
Shall feel an overseeing power
To kindle or restrain.
`She shall be sportive as the fawn
That wild with glee across the lawn
Or up the mountain springs;
And her`s shall be the breathing balm,
And her`s the silence and the calm
Of mute insensate things.
`The floating clouds their state shall lend
To her; for her the willow bend;
Nor shall she fail to see
E`en in the motions of the storm
Grace that shall mould the maiden`s form
By silent sympathy.
`The stars of midnight shall be dear
To her; and she shall lean her ear
In many a secret place
Where rivulets dance their wayward round,
And beauty born of murmuring sound
Shall pass into her face.
`And vital feelings of delight
Shall rear her form to stately height,
Her virgin bosom swell;
Such thoughts to Lucy I will give
Where she and I together live
Here in this happy dell.`
Thus Nature spake - The work was done -
How soon my Lucy`s race was run!
She died, and left to me
This heath, this calm and quiet scene;
The memory of what has been,
And never more will be.
A slumber did my spirit seal;
I had no human fears:
She seem`d a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.
No motion has she now, no force;
She neither hears nor sees;
Roll`d round in earth`s diurnal course
With rocks, and stones, and trees.
Inner Vision, The
Most sweet it is with unuplifted eyes
To pace the ground, if path there be or none
While a fair region round the Traveller lies
Which he forbears again to look upon;
Pleased rather with some soft ideal scene
The work of Fancy, or some happy tone
Of meditation, slipping in between
The beauty coming and the beauty gone.
- If Thought and Love desert us, from that day
Let us break off all commerce with the Muse:
With Thought and Love companions of our way -
Whate`er the senses take or may refuse, -
The Mind`s internal heaven shall shed her dews
Of inspiration on the humblest lay.
Thursday, February 25, 2010

When the town was dyed red with twilight, |
One day now |
Far away, far away, no matter how far you are |
Nobody can go on living just on their own |
Maybe everyone's unusually shy |
I will be there |
Life is Like a Boat

Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along,
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong?
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you through another day
I give a prayer as I wait for the new day |
Nobody knows who I really am |
People's hearts change and sneak away from them |
And every time I see your face |
Oh, I can see the shore |
I want you to know who I really am |
And still the journey continues on quiet days as well |
I give a prayer as I wait for the new day |
And every time I see your face |
We are rowing the boat of fate, but the waves keep attacking us |

Cultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.
My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door.
A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care.
Waiting is wasting for people like me.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
You say, "Dreams are dreams.
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."
Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing.
You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.

I've walked so long
I can't remember - where was my home?
Their distance faces fade away
I'm always on my own.
I can show a smile
It's not hard to do.
I can have the strength to go on
But sometime I wanna let go of everything.
When thoughtfulness is not their game
I teach by giving love.
High mountain seems higher endlessly
when they're pebbles at your feet.
And if you should still fall into despair,
there is one thing left to believe
I lie in your heart always.
Nothing is braver than honesty
My life is your faith in me.
I'll be there when you need
you don't have to hide from me.
What you are feeling now
I fill your soul.
We will seek together destiny
troubles have an end.
we'll carry on hand in hand
you're not alone.
People searching desperately outside themselves
caught up in thinking of whatever helped.
And I'd forgotten too that love exists inside me as in those I wanted from
I feel you now.
I'll be there when you need
we will live together.
Nothing is in our way
with trust in our soul.
We will seek together destiny
troubles have an end.
We will carry on hand in hand
We won't forget we have each other.
Love is in the hearts of all men
you're not alone.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Missing Someone

Being a part of a group of friends is easy but when it comes to a situation when you are all getting separated because of different phases in everyone's life then it hurts. People like being remembered even if they are living without their old friends for ages. Its a happy time to be with your friends and sad and heartbreaking when you have to separate. The situation of a person if not employed is like that of lost one. Haunting the areas where they all used to have fun and checking mobile for messages and missed calls time and again. Gradually it all ends when that person moves on in his life. But the feeling and love for the lost friends remain the same. The following song is true for each and every friendship i have ever encountered in my life.
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
You're still in bed at ten
And work began at eight
You've burned your breakfast
So far... things are goin' great
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these
Oh but she didn't tell you when the world has brought
You down to your knees that...
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
No one could ever know me
No one could ever see me
Seems you're the only one who knows
What it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with
Make it through all the rest with
Someone I'll always laugh with
Even at my worst I'm best with you, yeah
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year...
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Craze for Chetan Bhagat!!

Well hearing that this famous novelist will be in the city on 16th of Jan and I can see him by getting free passes what could one ask for this adventurous life getting boring with every passing day. So like a perfect strategist i started contemplating what to do in order to get the permission(effect of Mr. perfectionist's movie i recently saw hehehehehe). Then i somehow in this excitement went and i asked mum for the permission and well she says "Who is Chetan Bhagat?" I was flabbergasted with her because of all that controversy thing almost everyday being published in the newspapers she is still asking me not to mention the fact that she watched the movie with us!! Well somehow i managed to badger her enough to get the permission on one condition of going with my cousin sis since my too nice bro declined the offer. Well he had his calling too you know and he was told by his school teacher that he is among those few selected people who are getting free passes. Seeing that he wanted to attend his coaching and don't want to miss the show I arranged for some passes for his friends too with the help of my friend Aditi's sis who had many of them with her.
The day i long awaited for arrived and I and Aditi went shopping and went to respective homes. At 4:50P.M We left my place and were there by 5:05 P.M and the gates were closed. Imagine our fury at having the passes for entry but not being led in because the auditorium was full and mismanagement by the organizers. Aditi was lucky enough to be inside and she was angry that i couldnt make it because i was late. Anyways the whole group stood on the pavement and was having fun and chatting while we all knew that under that funny and chatty demeanour everyone was disappointed.Finally the gates opened and everyone pushed their way in but the doors inside were bolted so the crowds anticipation and desperation grew and people started creating all the havoc they could and the organizers came out and yelled at the crowd for being late not their problem blah blah blah. Anyone who tried to raise their point was immediately shut off like a bloodthirsty king rampaging not listening to the reason. It was bad enough for all f us standing outside in the effing cold with the lowest temperature of the week and despite of wearing heavy and warm clothing everyone was shivering. Finally the two guys i got passes for, left and our small group stood waiting for God knows what. Fortunately for us when the crowd thinned we were led in twos and fours and we got inside to the balcony of the auditorium and finally managed to see what was left of 2 hr show. The guy proved to be witty and good and I am still waiting for his next novel. I wish i could get his autograph but all that standing in the cold for one and a half hour was enough to bring one's morale down not to mention the fact being hungry and missing the tea time snacks.
Next day i woke with a swelled hand and and swelled toes all because of that standing in the cold thing. I mean what else could go wrong after that depressing stuff. Anyways i had another adventure of my life and i am still unhappy about it and will never be able to put it behind.
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