Yayyyyyy.. finally the 1st part of Deathly Hallows was released in India and me and my bro couldn't wait to watch it in movie hall. So we bought our tickets a day before. But it was embarrassing enough when we were questioned as following:-
Man at ticket window:- How may i help u?
Bro:- We want a two tickets for Harry potter, tomorrow's show at 10P.M.
Man:- Ok tomorrow's show 10 P.M, Harry potter
Bro:- Yes
Man (while clicking mouse on computer):- Tomorrow 10 P.M. 2 tickets harry potter
Bro:- yes
Man(while looking at tickets):- Tomorrow 10P.M. 2 tickets harry potter
Bro:- yes (totally irritated)
and people behind us sniggered for God knows what reason. Well finally the day of the show comes but i was too worked up to even revel in the happiness as
1) it was raining heavily outside
2) it was raining heavily outside, and;
3) it was raining heavily outside
So i was waiting for the rain to stop so that i could go to office. Finally i reached office by 2 in the afternoon and had to go and buy some books from a bookstall and broke my shoe. Well yes broke my shoe. Now i had to say goodbye to my 5 year old buddy. In the office i worked myself to exhaustion, went to shopping with my PDP trainer who had to leave for a journey and i finally had to buy new bathroom slippers. Finally at home by 7 and relieved of the day's adventures felt the exhaustion in full flow but didn't want it to dampen my spirits. At 10 we were there and watching it. finally cam back at 12:30 and felt at top of the world. I named it Harry Potter watching Day coz for the first time i watched it with my bro only. Others wanted to tag along but we tackled them ;)
Finally a news for people who are reading this. I deleted my orkut account because i saw no point in having a account which was useless and not a source to b contacted anymore. Besides i wanted to bury some old happy memories forever and I meant it this time.
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