The worst part of life is waiting. I hate it more or less. I am impatient when it comes to tiresome waiting. But circumstances do not allow me to take any step to make changes with that regard. Still i have learnt wee bit of patience. Its seems like ages since I have done something exciting. Its almost two months since we enjoyed so much. It feels like I am bound at home with nothing much to do. I want to go out this Christmas and have some fun. Whether with my friend or alone. i don't care. Even if I get at least 2 hours worth of moving around I would do it. I want some time alone to be with myself or my Friend. I want to have that time of my life back when we used to enjoy a lot. Seems like I wont be getting that part of my life back any soon. As after this month is over preparations are to be looked forward to. My marriage will be the focus of everyone.
I miss my special someone. But he cant be here with me and i would really love to be with him. Its not possible and not as easy as it seems. i have to wait to be with him. I wished and thought that may be this Christmas will be special. I dont want party. I don't want treats, Santa or gifts. I just want either my friend or my special man to be with me this Christmas.
If this is not possible then all i have to do is keep waiting for it to happen next year.
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