Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Almost there

I know this is bit late in coming but I didn't have time in last 8 months to write down my story so far. I have been busy. December 21, 2011 was the day I last posted. Now its August 28, 2012. Hmmm... Let me see what happened during the space of these 5 months. First of all I went through beauty treatments. It was hard for me in the cold month but manageable. Next thing was a boring New Year without any party to look forward to. I asked my best friend Anvita to come and stay with me till i got married which was a boon for me. After that came January 15, 2012; one of the most memorable days of my life. It was the day of my Ladie's Sangeet. A special occasion for an Indian Bride-to-be. The ladies sing various traditional songs and dance too. In my case since I was not getting married in my home-town, this event was supposed to be a gala one. Everyone I knew from my childhood to adult days turned up. People danced and sang. My sisters performed a medley and my aunts sang songs. It was heart touching. The Old and New generation danced which was new for the audience that day. I looked good for a change. My in-laws couldn't turn up as they had some technical problems to deal with. Finally my eldest cousin was celebrating his anniversary the same day. It was fun. The bad thing was that his leg was fractured and he couldn't move around much. All in all we enjoyed it.

Finally after going through painful parlour treatments I had my looks changed a bit. A few guests came to stay at my place and January 20, 2012 arrived with lots of tension and lack of sleep. Yes lack of sleep on my part....I was practically sleeping before we left for Lucknow. I get carsick easily so had to control the urge to throw up during the whole journey. Had to lean on Anvita's shoulder the whole time. As we were about to reach Lucknow I called up Varun to tell him we were about to reach. He seemed over the moon just to hear it. My heart fluttered but controlled my emotion so as to not to spoil the car. :D We reached the bungalows we hired. I was set to leave for the parlour immediately to get ready for Ring Ceremony. I felt nervous and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I was composed the whole time but outwardly I and Anvita joked the whole time. I know she might have been feeling the time passing by and my time to leave coming nearer. But she maintained her poise. Going to that god-damned parlour was the worst thing I had ever done. The beauticians wouldn't let my friend get ready. They had these printouts posted inside that women accompanying the bride are not allowed to get ready without paying a fee. As if my friend was asking to use their make-up and other stuff. Stupid People!! They allowed her to get ready since we insisted that we had just arrived from outside the city and she had no time to leave me and come back again. As if this was not enough those idiots wouldn't let me go without paying up. This was a bad situation. We were not informed beforehand when we booked the parlour of this obligation. Finally my aunt came and talked to them and we left. I was really very angry at the time. But all the anger vanished when I entered the place of ceremony. People were coming to gawk at me as if I was an alien or had two heads.

We had a small photo session and then I was led to the room where both the families were waiting for me. My fiancé Varun looked handsome and glad to see me. When I stood next to him I felt warmth from him and the cold I felt at the time seemed to go away. The rings were exchanged and I felt something new has happened in my life now. I had already accepted that I will be going with him, but accepting it and feeling it time and again were two different things. A sense of sadness mingled with love were present in me throughout the ceremony. When I was about to leave I felt I was about to step into something new which was too true to be denied. 

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